Sing the Body Electric! : July 2021


Have you ever sang a woman’s body electric? Made her purr lyrically with your touch? If not, then you should spend a lot of time here and study each and every curve of the female form…so that you too can sing her body electric!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Heehee...I Like This Much Better Than My Old Job

A friend on mine, who also loves to read and write and post educational stuff about books and movies and everything, whose name is Victor (heehee...told you I'd post about you!), loves to post his own poetry. Well, I'm not as gifted to write my own poetry but he has gotten me into readin' some exotic poetry, so I've decided to post some.

“The Atheist” by Megan Falley

The first time we made love I realized why
I never prayed. One human can only say
Oh God so many times.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

I Must Guard My Cave Home At All Cost

I don't think she'd really be a good cave guard, do you? I mean, she might be the best guard ever, but the point of havin' a secret cave and a guard is to deter people from comin' to begin with so you really never have to protect it, but if she was always standin' in front of the cave, it would totally bring more and more people to see the cave which would cause more and more need for protectin' and eventually she'd get really tired and not be so good at protectin' anymore, right? Heehee...where does my mind go sometimes? Really. Maybe the better question is why does my mind go where it does? Maybe I should've been a writer or somethin'...all my characters would eventually end up in bed together so I don't know how good my stories would be actually for people to keep readin'.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Yeah, I'm Hot

It's so true! She is hot! And she's even hotter for knowin' it, right? Why is confidence so attractive? But it's easy to have when you're a gorgeous person, so I think someone who has confidence who isn't that traditionally beautiful is even more attractive sometimes. But you know, I've known downright gorgeous people who struggled with confidence so looks aren't the only think that give confidence and I just wonder sometimes where it all comes from? Does growin' up a certain way make you have faith in yourself? I don't know, but my mom always makes me feel good about myself even when I make bad decisions so maybe it does have somethin' to do with it.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #17 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

What's That Old-Timey Word Construction Workers Used To Do?

Cat-callin' or somethin'? This would be a role reversal, though, right? Havin' the construction worker being whistled at and I'm sure she wouldn't take any of it, because if she's dressed like this she's probably a foreperson or a site manager or whatever and probably has the confidence to yell at the passerbys to keep their traps shut. But I'd still whistle under my breath, if that's even a thing.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

What? This Is How I Always Dress When I Go To The Thrift Shop

Of course she does, right? Because when you go to the thrift store it makes it much easier to try on the clothes and know that they fit you the way you want them to. I just love goin' to thrift stores and searchin' through the clothes other women have cast away. I even find some cool things in the men's section that sometimes I wear if I want to feel a different way one night, but clothes to me don't really have a gender, how could they? If a man wants to wear a skirt, go ahead! Women wear all types of men's clothes so why shouldn't men wear some of women's clothes? But I mean, there would really never be a point for a man to wear a bikini top but I'd love to see it!